Thursday 26 May 2016

TV adverts - final feedback

Andrea, some very good work produced here and within your group, you have created an effective re-branding adverting concept and a well-produced TV advert.

In regards to unit 2: Communication Skills for Creative Media Production (pitch and presentation):
You were able to use appropriate techniques to extract comprehensive information from written sources and present a structured detailed media production report which conveys relevant information.
Your pitch was interesting although it was clear you were nervous, but you were able to present a media production report which conveys relevant information and employed forms of address in your pitch to communicate ideas.
The pitch was visually good and you deployed and managed technology to pitch a media production proposal effectively and with some imagination.
I would like you to improve on your grade by re-doing your pitch and presentation. The presentation is there, you just need to be more confident when you deliver your pitch.

In regards to unit 30: Advertisement Production for Television:
Within your TV advert analysis, you were able to explain structures and techniques of TV advertisements with reference to detailed examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology.
Working within your group, you were able originate and develop an idea for a TV advertisement showing creativity and flair whilst working independently. You produced a TV advertisement to a technical quality that reflects near professional standards, showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations.
Your evaluation was also detailed and you explained your own TV advertisement production work with reference to detailed illustrative examples and generally correct use of subject terminology.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

3 Minute Wonder Research

Sawyer Hartman does a series of reflexive documentaries on YouTube called “Thru My Eyes”. He shows beautiful places that he explores through the eye of a camera lens for his follows to enjoy along with him. This style of documentary is captivating in each of its shot types.

Joshua Tree, CA:

Joshua Tree, CA is made up of mostly slow motion shots of specific beauties. I like how the smallest details have been captures, for example the markings on the dog’s tongue and the grooves in the rocks. The cinematography of every single second has been thought out and shot to a high quality which allows the audience to fully appreciate the magnificence of nature.

Santa Barbara, CA:

I like this one because the editing is done to the beats of the music, the shots change quite but they all have enough screen time. One of my favourite things about this one is that he uses different lenses to improve certain shots. For example, he used a fish eye lens to capture the trees close to the start of the piece. 

The Girl of Your Dreams:

I think this one may be my favourite out of all of Sawyer’s series as even though the whole video is about a beautiful woman it also captures beauties around Malibu. He has captured things that people usually take for granted and shone a massive well deserved light on them. The slow motion of the piece gives the shots a sort of breath taking effect on the audience. 

In all of Sawyer’s documentaries he enhances the colours in the shots to make them more vibrant. This is common when he has shots of flowers, animals and sun sets. Also, most of his pieces are made up mostly of slow motion shots. His cuts are usually quicker
and a little jumpy when the drum beats of the song used are more prominent.